HER Sanitary Audit

08 Mar 2022 16:27:13
Sanitary Audit

Menstruation is a monthly event in the life of women in their reproductive years, which is often shrouded in secrecy. The silence towards this topic has led to less than required communication. Hence, the needs of a woman during this period are not talked about, discussed or debated. Good hygiene during menstruation is a must for ensuring the good health of women. Lack of hygiene can lead to infections, which are often not treated. Improper menstrual management is known to expose women to infections.

Our major objectives:

  • To increase awareness among adolescent girls on Menstrual Hygiene.
  • To increase access to and use of high-quality sanitary napkins for adolescent girls in rural areas.
  • To ensure safe disposal of Sanitary Napkins in an environmentally friendly manner.
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